Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Thanksgiving meal is like Voltron

The idea of the blog was to post discussions had over pizza before or after league. But, in the last month we've only had 1 match, which makes me wonder why we paid an entry fee for a league that never occurs.

Anyway, it's Thanksgiving which means I will still eat a meal that can compete with sausage pizza. The Thanksgiving meal reminds me of Voltron, because alone none of the dishes are impressive, much like the Voltron Lions. Turkey is good, but very one-dimensional. Stuffing and mashed potatoes are good, but alone don't make meals. And, corn needs meat. But, combined these foods can, given they possess or can create a blazing sword, cut hunger in half or at least destroy it with deliciousness. Also, both the Thanksgiving meal and Voltron get served. (this is really a creative tie-in).

Anyway, this post lacks any topics related to rizzyness or making out (making out actually has been overlooked overall) I will discuss a dream I had last night where 2 girls where making out (here defined by kissing and touching). 1 girl being someone I know very well and the other girl is related to the girl I know very well. I think the 4 people who read this can guess who the girls are...anyway the dream was mega rizzy...actually "mega" lacks the degree, impressiveness and volume necessary as the adverb...let's just say is was rizzy rizzy. With the first rizzy being the adverb, like mega, but with the definition being the degree and impressiveness of 2 girls making out.

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