Wednesday, October 31, 2007

No Pizza Today

We didn't get pizza tonight since it's Halloween and league was canceled. It's ok though because we took BDP out Trick or Treating so I got candy, which is a close second to sausage pizza. This also marks the first time he was able to do something for's not mowing the lawn or washing the car, but I think I would take a free heaping bag of candy over the previous fact, if I asked him to mow the lawn and he countered with providing me a grocery bag full of candy which I don't have to pay for, I would accept. Now, all he has to do is retrieve beers for Alex on command and he will have fulfilled his destiny.

Heroes is the greatest show ever...if you disagree I will shoot you in the face. If you saw the last episode you would get the reference (man with the horned rimmed glasses shoots Ivan in the face). I would never shoot anyone in the face...unless there was a gun that shot pizza. I would gladly shoot someone in the face with a pizza shooting gun...the pizza shooting gun could be the next million dollar invention. In fact, eating pizza with your hands and not using a pizza shooting gun almost seems neanderthalic...I have nothing against Neanderthals (wouldn't want to get sued by the Geico cavemen) they just didn't have the technology to eat pizza any other way but using their hands...I guess they had spears, but delivering pizza to your face via a spear ultimately ends ups with a spear in the face.

I am the most rizziest person ever...if you disagree, disagree to my face...but disagree to my face using the Internet.

I typed 'rizzy' into Google Images and this came up. I'm not a big post-it user, but these have the power to change men...for rizzy.

1 comment:

sausagepizza said...

No one can disagree with fact or gauge the amount of rizzy someone million dollar invention 'the rizzy gauge'