We headed back to Bill's pub, despite our previous issues, to kick off the new winter volleyball season. It was kind of like going to the fallback booty call (again). When you’re there it’s worth it, but you feel a little dirty. The league actually started a week later, so all the Olympians made it back.
A few things changed. Alex picked up a new player using 6th grade pick up techniques. He had a friend hand Joe (the new middle) a note asking him if he wanted to play volleyball with Alex. Obviously, Joe accepted since Alex was wearing his new Reebok pumps.
Most things didn’t change…Animal pelts still cover Bill’s Pub’s walls and they are amazingly lice free. Alex destroys White Castle and has a new found ability to consume a crave case during his lunch break (also know as the distance from the drive-thru window to his office parking lot). An entire crave case is an exaggeration, but he can do at least an 8 point meal, which means Alex points to 8 menu items for his order. Also, if the item comes in various sizes and the drive through operator offers the larger size he takes it. Similar to the Super Size Me movie, but Alex doesn’t accept the larger size to prove a point; he accepts it because his stomach makes a logical argument to his brain. The conversation is as follows.
White Castle: “May I take your order?”
Alex: Pointing to cheese sticks “1 order of cheese sticks.”
WC: “Would you like the family size?”
Alex’s stomach’s inner monologue: “I’m part of a family. No members of my family are with me right now, but it would be rude to discount them.”
Alex: “Yes, the family size would be rizzy.”
Mostly conversation covered a wide range of important issues.
2) Alex’s knee is aging faster than the rest of his body. Currently, Alex’s knee has 1 child and a medium length pony tail. That put its age between 36 and 39. Let’s hope it stays healthy enough to play next year and avoids trying to bang knees much younger than itself. It’s tough to see a knee going through a midlife crisis, particularly when the calf and thigh are just hitting their prime.
3) Alex made the statement that beverages served within Bills Pub are colder than beverages served elsewhere. This hasn’t been proved as actual fact, but it also hasn’t been disproved. I’m not a scientist, so I’ll stand by it. An additional theory about Bill's frosted mugs was proposed, but it did not have solid proof such as being declared by Alex.
I’ve been online for almost an hour, so by Alex’s logic I should have a few job offers sitting in the inbox. But, I do want to put this advertisement below…