Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sausage Pizza is served quite hot...

This is obvious, but when the waiter/waitress places a pizza before you this logic is surprisingly removed from the brain. It would be nice if the black art pizza uses to remove this logic from the brain would also remove the sensory portion that experiences pain because biting into a pizza recently removed from a 450 degree oven hurts. 450 degrees is very hot...its roughly the melting for Selenium...that's ridiculous. The cruelty doesn't just stop with pain...the burn also has the ability to remove the sense of taste. Which means you are left with imagining the taste but still doing the work of lifting the pizza slice and chewing it...I'm positive this sadistic situation is what inspired Len Wein to give Wolverine his regeneration ability. Maybe it's not pizza's black art, but simply the mind craving pizza so much that it's willing to believe the pizza oil is not as hot as the oil poured from castles onto naive attackers. Either way pizza is served hot and it sucks when your burn the roof of your mouth or tongue.

Speaking of castles, Tommy mentioned that a blog about rizziness needs to include White Castle. I think this is true and made me wonder what is it about White Castle that makes it so rizzy (other than deliciousness). My conclusion is that anything with "castle" in its name or associated with castles is pretty much always rizzy.

- Castle Grayskull
- Medieval Times
- Hendrix's Castles Made of Sand
- Sand Castles

Also, castles are guaranteed to have attractive princesses and likely (at least in my mind) to have bear skin rugs...this makes getting 2 notches on the belt possible (1 notch for princess, 1 notch for bear skin rug). However, the log cabin is probably the structure most likely to have a bear skin rug, but its not likely to have attractive princesses. There should probably be a notch for sex in a castle since it's a dominant structure...better than the tepee, the igloo, the house, the fort, etc. I think the only thing that rivals it is Helms Deep an it's really just a spin off of the castle. Anyway, I think Castle is a good name for baby #2.

There were plenty of gems at tonights pizza consuming...

  • Million Dollar Idea: Making crates with "Babysitter" labeled on the side. A crate is probably a better babysitter than most human options.

  • Firing a BB gun probably isn't the same as firing a real gun...and if anyone asks you if you've fired a gun, don't use a BB gun as your example.

  • Cheerleaders are slackers...they abbreviate team names when creating vocals for cheers and really put no thought into their words...if you take away their flashy gymnastics and prettiness, there is nothing to inspire a team to victory...Braveheart didn't need fancy stunts or good-looks to inspire an army to victory against hopeless odds. He only needed words...and Freedom

  • Does Wheel of Fortune display the letters selected to the contestants? If so, why do some people ask for a letter that's already been selected? Are they stupid? If Alex was a contestant he would always try to solve the puzzle. Peter Griffin is clearly the best contestant ever

  • Replay video | Share video | Watch more videos

  • English class is really just S.S.R, so bring your calculator so you can actually learn something (preferably the TI-85)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Thanksgiving meal is like Voltron

The idea of the blog was to post discussions had over pizza before or after league. But, in the last month we've only had 1 match, which makes me wonder why we paid an entry fee for a league that never occurs.

Anyway, it's Thanksgiving which means I will still eat a meal that can compete with sausage pizza. The Thanksgiving meal reminds me of Voltron, because alone none of the dishes are impressive, much like the Voltron Lions. Turkey is good, but very one-dimensional. Stuffing and mashed potatoes are good, but alone don't make meals. And, corn needs meat. But, combined these foods can, given they possess or can create a blazing sword, cut hunger in half or at least destroy it with deliciousness. Also, both the Thanksgiving meal and Voltron get served. (this is really a creative tie-in).

Anyway, this post lacks any topics related to rizzyness or making out (making out actually has been overlooked overall) I will discuss a dream I had last night where 2 girls where making out (here defined by kissing and touching). 1 girl being someone I know very well and the other girl is related to the girl I know very well. I think the 4 people who read this can guess who the girls are...anyway the dream was mega rizzy...actually "mega" lacks the degree, impressiveness and volume necessary as the adverb...let's just say is was rizzy rizzy. With the first rizzy being the adverb, like mega, but with the definition being the degree and impressiveness of 2 girls making out.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sausage Pi-zigg-ity is Ri-zigg-ity

The title (even though I can't remember how it was said so I can't spell it phonetically) is awesome and no post is really necessary. But, this is also awesome and so is this video

So, it's clear the following recount (as remembered by me) is destined for gloriousness and will dine in hell with Spartans.

  • Grant loves Waukegan an unnatural amount...what is an unnatural amount?

  • Alex does not love Wildwood an unnatural amount

  • If a "girl" walks like a dude, she probably has a wiener or at least likes to scissor

  • Make sure you have the pizza and spaghetti on the grill when people stop by for your All American meal

  • There is probably more "A" material I just don't remember it or was parenting since the "dumb baby" came along. But this post contains the word 'phonetically', GI JOE, Family Guy and a mutant sooooo....What's going on? How are you? Yeah, oh it's just me, Stewie, just being myself, ah yeah. Oh, oh well this here? Oh, it's just my package, yeah just ah just ah my package, God delivered it I signed for it the world keeps on spinnin', yeah.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Suck at life...

No sausage pizza again because we had a bye this week, but the weekend's pizza onslaught kind of made up for not having pizza tonight.

The Story
On Saturday we ordered 1 large cheese pizza and 1 large pepperoni pizza both with stuffed crust from Pizza Hut (I am aware of the contradiction to the blog name and the pizza ordered). We received 1 cheese pizza no stuffed crust and 1 sausage pizza with stuffed crust. So, either someone sucks at life so much that they can't even get our order close to correct or my love of sausage pizza is so hearty, that no matter what I order, a sausage pizza will be delivered. Anyway, a complaint to the manager prompted him to ask "What would you like me do?" and we responded with "Give us the correct order"...So, we ended up with 4 large pizzas....Nice.

Morals of the Story

  • It's good that some people suck at life because it allows people who don't suck at life to get free stuff.

  • If your love is strong enough it won't be denied, even if you don't order it.

  • Create a list of snappy comebacks for the question "What would you like me to do?". Answering the question politely and realistically isn't funny.